Monday, 3 November 2014

9 months: Pediatrician' report

"As Harry turns 9 months, the pediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Harry in the playroom:

When Harry becomes upset, it is difficult to soothe him down. He sometimes accepts your embraces and sometimes pushes you away.

Harry has been ill several times this season from colds or digestive upset. The doctor advises keeping him away from sick people, and checking out a new food for a few days to test for allergies.

Harry is cautious around new people and situations, but warms up fairly quickly to friendly people and to new and interesting activities and then begins to vocalize a lot and make eye contact.

Harry has typical emotional reactions for his age, such as fear of total strangers, separation anxiety and a quick, loud cry when upset or in pain.

Harry is advanced in his gross and fine motor skills and enjoys crawling, pulling up to stand and manipulating objects" (My Virtual Child report).

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